The saline of Aigues-Mortes: discovering the salt of the Camargue - LA PALUNETTE

The Aigues-Mortes saltworks: discover all the secrets of Camargue salt

During your stay at our hotel in Saintes Maries de la Mer, you will not be able to miss the largest salt pan in the Mediterranean.

The Salin d'Aigues Mortes offers you a visit to white gold and a unique place, preserved in the heart of wild nature, where Camargue salts are born. Board the little train and set off for more than an hour to discover the salt tables, the fabulous Camargue salt and its pink waters where pink flamingos come to breed and which make the place magical and exceptional.

During your visit to the Aigues-Mortes saltworks, a stop at the salt museum will allow you to discover the work of salt workers over the centuries.

The natural fruit of the South will no longer have any secrets for you.

If the little train is a little too ordinary for you, our knowledgeable staff will be able to advise you as best as possible on the possibility of carrying out this visit by mountain bike or 4×4. Come meet us with any questions.