A stop at Saintes-Maries de la mer - LA PALUNETTE

Don't forget to stop at Les Saintes-Maries de la Mer

The village of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer is a very lively and festive place. The Camargue soul is anchored there. Home to gypsies, a major place of pilgrimage, Saintes-Maries are marked by a strong tradition, which they have managed to preserve. Spanish music echoes through all the cobbled streets of the village.

It's impossible to discover the Camargue without stopping to eat a paella and taste a good sangria in Les Saintes, after exploring the famous herds (bull and horse farms) and meeting the famous gardians (Camargue horsemen). Ask us, we can advise you on very good addresses.

The church of the Black Madonna of the Saintes is also not to be missed. It dominates the village and is visible 10 km from inland. It is a real fortress, made up of a single, straight nave, without ornament and 15 meters high.

Come and thrill by attending the legendary Camargue races in the magnificent arenas of Les Saintes, by the sea. The Palunette hotel staff is there to inform you about the show times and programs. Contact us!